Helping talavou through NCEA level 2

Pro-Pare Athlete Management Trust helps talavou through NCEA level 2 through their NCEA workshops.

Talavou are offered out-of-school opportunities, normally at our Onehunga Hub, to earn NCEA credits in life-skills-related standards.

Following the McGregor Cup rugby league games in week 1 of the July school holidays, Pro-Pare Athlete Management Trust offered NCEA credits in week 2.

During the holidays, close to 40 talavou attended those workshops and included talavou from both the Pro-Pare hubs in Onehunga and Sunnyvale. Talavou from the McGregor Cup tournament also took advantage of the workshops.

Talavou at our hubs are also assisted through all stages of driver licensing, and we support them into and through university or apprenticeships.